Trustees and Officers

Trustees and Officers

Family members currently fill six of nine occupied seats on the Board and serve on all grant-making and management committees. While member participation is essential to our identity as a family foundation, our members strongly value involving others whose expertise and knowledge support the achievement of Foundation goals. Three independent (non-family) trustees currently serve on our board and a number of non-family members participate on our grant-making committees.

Adrienne Cole

Adrienne Cole

Richard DeWyngaert

Richard DeWyngaert

Christina Duncan

Christina Duncan

Ila Duncan

Ila Duncan

Pam Keon

Pam Keon

Amarilis Pullen

Amarilis Pullen

Steve Shirar

Steve Shirar

Chigozirim Sodeke

Chigozirim Sodeke

Anne Sparks

Anne Sparks

Will Vitale

Will Vitale