The Foundation takes its responsibility to do good seriously. This means that…
We use a few important tools that help us identify opportunities to make a difference based on our values and our assets. Trustees, Members, and Staff are guided by a vision that we can be part of creating…
A Healthy, Sustainable World.
We only have one world and we view it holistically. We believe that our health is derived from eating well and being active. We have an optimistic view of the future. We know that economic prosperity and ecological health go hand in hand.
We seek to fulfill this vision by (our mission)…
Supporting people working together to build healthy, sustainable communities in East Central Illinois and across the US.
Mostly this means that we support creative thinkers who understand that no significant achievement happens alone and that impact happens where people understand the world in systems and work collaboratively. We activate our mission through a strategic plan.
You can view our most recent strategic plan. Feel free to contact us with any questions.
Additionally, we seek to engage our Members through their work in the Foundation. To this end, we have Purpose and Values statements that guide their work.
Our Purpose:
The Foundation engages family… To bring together the rich intellectual, social and cultural capital of the extended Lumpkin family in collective pursuit of positive change in the world.
Our Values:
•We value family, and we enjoy working together to improve lives.
•We value our roots in East Central Illinois as a lens through which we see the broader world in which we’re engaged.
•We value trusting relationships that arise from being open, transparent, and accountable.
•We strive to be a learning organization.
•We accept our responsibility to care for the earth.